Disability and Social Change: A South African agenda
Brian Watermeyer; Leslie Swartz; Thereza Lorenzo; Margie Schneider; Mark Priestley (eds.)

Knowledge, curriculum and qualifications for South African Further Education
Michael Young; Jeanne Gamble (eds.)

The Land and Property Rights of Women and orphans in the context of HIV and AIDS: Case studies from Zimbabwe
Kaori Izumi (ed)

Reclaiming Our Lives: HIV and AIDS, women’s land and property rights and livelihoods in southern and East Africa: Narratives and responses
Kaori Izumi (ed)

Trade Unions and Democracy: COSATU Workers Political Attitudes in South Africa
Sakhela Buhlungu (ed)

Mathematics and Science Achievement at South African Schools in TIMSS 2003
Vijay Reddy

Doctors in a Divided Society: The profession and education of medical practitioners in South Africa
Mignonne Breier; Angelique Wildschut

Democracy Compromised: Chiefs and the politics of the land in South Africa
Lungisile Ntsebeza

South Africa’s role in conflict resolution and peacemaking in Africa: Conference proceedings
Roger Southall (ed)

Teacher education and the challenge of diversity in South Africa
Crispin Hemson
