1 Interpreting the Character, Role and Significance of
SASO and SANSCO: A Conceptual Framework
PART ONE Black man, you are on your own: The
South African StudentsOrganisation, 1968 to 1977
2 From Crisis to Stability to Crisis: The Apartheid Social
Order and Black Higher Education, 1960 to 1976-1977
3 SASO: The Ideology and Politics of Black Consciousness
4 SASO on the Attack: Organisation, Mobilisation and
Collective Action
5 The Character, Role and Significance of SASO
PART TWO The Freedom Charter is our Beacon: The
South African National Students Congress,
1976/1977 to 1990
6 Reform, Repression and Mass Resistance: South Africa,
1976-1977 to 1990
7 SANSCO: The Ideology and Politics of Non-Racialism,
the Freedom Charter and National Liberation
8 Creative Organisers rather than Powerful Speakers:
Education as a Site of Struggle
9 Peoples Education and Peoples Power: Mobilisation
and Collective Action
10 The Character, Role and Significance of SANSCO
Appendix 1: SASO Policy Manifesto
Appendix 2: SANSCO Constitution and Policy Document