Executive summary
Key questions for the project
Key findings of the project
What is intangible heritage?
Why do we categorise some heritage as intangible?
Instruments for safeguarding intangible heritage
International instruments safeguarding intangible values associated with places and objects
International instruments safeguarding intangible heritage without strong material forms
International instruments protecting the rights associated with intangible heritage
National initiatives to safeguard intangible heritage
Assessing legal and financial instruments
Aims and objectives of existing instruments
Definitions of intangible heritage
Defining intangible heritage to exclude values associated with material heritage
The traditional and the indigenous
Conclusions around defining intangible heritage
Managing intangible heritage
Creating registers or databases of intangible heritage
Use of established criteria
New criteria for listing intangible heritage
Involving and protecting the practicing community
Structures for community representation
Managing disputes over meaning
A legal framework for the protection of community rights
Providing financial incentives for protecting intangible heritage
Protecting material traces and places associated with intangible heritage
Making intangible forms tangible
Recreating and renewing intangible heritage
Conclusions around managing intangible heritage
Infrastructure for implementing heritage policy