Table of contents - Post Apartheid Patterns of Internal Migration in South Africa
List of tables
List of maps
List of figures
List of graphs
About the authors
1. Introduction
Migration data generated by Census 96
Context and scope of the study
Purpose of the book
Outline of the book
2. Literature review
Current status of migration research
Data adequacy, reliability and appropriateness
Theories and models of the causes of migration
Economic factors that cause migration
Economic factors that perpetuate migration
Non-economic factors that cause migration
Non-economic factors that perpetuate migration
Modified gravity model of migration
Problems with migration intervals
Local/area-specific data: guidelines for research
3. Population redistribution
Urbanisation trends
Metropolisation and inter-metropolitan migration
Multivariate statistical techniques used in this study
Inter-provincial migration
Patterns of inter-provincial migration
Multivariate profiles of inter-provincial migrants
Inter-district migration
Labour migration
Migration proper
Summary of the effect of distance
Summarising the interactions between districts
Other examples of migration modelling
4. Migration differentials
Proportion of migrants in the population
Migration intervals compared: 197580 and 199296
Migration selectivity
Age-gender selectivity
Employment, education and gender differentials
Comparing migrants and labour migrants
Differential migration: a multivariate analysis
5. The way forward
Dealing with migration in future censuses
Migration questions in sample surveys