AHGI - Africa Human Genome Initiative
AMASA - Assessment of Maths and Science in Africa
AMI - Assessment Modelling Initiative
ATEE - Assessment Technology and Education Evaluation
CGE - Computable general equilibrium
CHIETA - Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority
CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
CODESRIA - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa
COSATU - Congress of South African Trade Unions
CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CYFD - Child, Youth and Family Development
D&G - Democracy and Governance
DAC - Department of Arts and Culture
DANIDA - Danish Agency for Development Assistance
DFID - Department for International Development (UK)
DPLG - Department of Provincial and Local Government
DoC Department of Communications
DoE Department of Education
DST - Department of Science and Technology
DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
ED - Executive Director
EFA - Education For All
EEPR - Employment and Economic Policy Research
EMIS - Education Management Information System
EPR - Education Policy Research
ETDP SETA - Education Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN)
FASSET - Financial Services and Management Sector Education and Training Authority
FOSAD - Forum for South African Directors-General
FET - Further Education and Training
GTZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH
GIS - Geographical Information System
HBU - Historically Black University
HE - Higher education
HEMIS - Higher Education Management Information Systems
HRD - Human Resources Development
HSRC - Human Sciences Research Council
ICT - Information and communication technology
IEC - Independent Electoral Commission
IICBA - International Institute for Capacity-Building in Africa
IRDP - Integrated Rural Development Programme
IRRD - Integrated Rural and Regional Development
JET - Joint Education Trust
KM - Knowledge Management
LMA - Labour Market Analysis
MEDUNSA - Medical University of South Africa
MRC - Medical Research Council
NACI - National Advisory Council on Innovation
NEDLAC - National Economic Development and Labour Council
NEPAD - New Partnership for Africas Development
NEUM - Non-European Unity Movement
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
NQF - National Qualifications Framework
NRF - National Research Foundation
NSI - National System of Innovation
PFMA - Public Finance Management Act
PMTCT - Prevention of mother-to-child transmission
QLP - Quality Learning Project
R&D - Research and Development
RBSD - Resource-based sustainable development
S&T - Science and technology
SABS - South African Bureau of Standards
SADC - Southern African Development Community
SADET - South African Democratic Education Trust
SAHA - Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health
SAHARA - Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance
SAMM - Surveys, Analyses, Modelling and Mapping
SANLI South African National Literacy Initiative
SARPN - Southern African Regional Poverty Network
SCI - Social Cohesion and Integration
SETA - Sector Education and Training Authority
SETI - Science, Engineering and Technology Institutions
Sida - Swedish International Development Agency
SITES - Second Information Technology in Education Study
SME - Small and medium enterprise
SMMEs - Small, medium and micro enterprises
SSIP - Seychelles School Improvement Programme
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease
THETA - Tourism and Hospitality Education and Training Authority
THRIP - Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme
TIMSS-R - Third International Mathematics and Science StudyRepeat
TIPS - Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies
TVET - Technical and Vocational Education and Training
UCT - University of Cape Town
UNAIDS - United Nations HIV/AIDS Programme
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNICEF - United Nations Childrens Fund
UNISA - University of South Africa
USAID - United States Agency for International Development
VFR - Visit family or relatives
WHO - World Health Organisation
WKKF - W.K. Kellogg Foundation
WSSD - World Summit on Sustainable Development