March 2003. Where have all the ambulances gone? The role of GIS in injury surveillance. Mr Adlai S. Davids, SAMM. March 2003. Dealing with the past in recent southern African political transitions: Comparing Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa. Professor John Daniel, D&G. February 2003. What is the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and how can it act as a partner in international scientific co-operation and high level education? Dr William Mourey, CNRS. February 2003. Statistics and Slobodan: Using victim narratives and administrative data with demographic and multiple system estimation methods as evidence in the trial of former Yugoslav President Milosevic. Dr Patrick Ball, Science and Human Rights Program, American Association for the Advancement of Science. February 2003. Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS. Dr Olive Shisana, SAHA. February 2003. Third generation issues in local government: What needs to be done to achieve developmental local government? Dr Doreen Atkinson, D&G. January 2003. SHARED briefing presentation. Dr Stephen Chandiwana, SAHA. January 2003. Democracy in southern Africa: Moving beyond a difficult legacy. Professor Roger Southall, D&G. November 2002. Can there be any universal childrens rights? Some considerations concerning relativity and enforcement. Dr Kristina Bentley, D&G. |
November 2002. South Africas further education/technical college responsiveness to the labour market. Mr Botshabelo Maja, HRD. October 2002. Who do we think we are, why do we need to know, and how can we find out? Experience from abroad for South Africas social attitudes surveys. Professor Roger Jowell, National Centre for Social Research, London. October 2002. Seminar on fertility: Current South African issues of poverty, HIV/AIDS and youth. Co-hosted by the Department of Social Development and the HSRC. October 2002. Housing policy in a context of HIV/AIDS and globalisation. Professor Richard Tomlinson, Graduate School of Public and Development Management, University of the Witwatersrand. September 2002. The contribution of community arts centres to socio-economic development. Dr Gerard Hagg, SCI. September 2002. Is it African beer or municipal apartheid? An economic struggle in Mamelodi township. Dr Moses Ralinala, D&G. August 2002. In defence of freedom of expression: Deconstructing the case against Mbongeni Ngema. Mr Mandla Seleoane, D&G, and Professor Kobus van Rooyen, Broadcasting Complaints Commission, South Africa. August 2002. Quality education for all: UNESCO perspective. Professor Vinayagum Chinapah, UNESCO, Paris. August 2002. Alternative means of analysing cross-sectional data with time-dependent covariates: The case of age at first birth in South Africa. Dr Acheampong Amoateng, CYFD. |
March 2002. TEBA Development and its contribution to rural research and development. Dr Dave Cooper and Ms Cindy Noble, TEBA Development. March 2002. Knowledge management: The challenges of managing large-scale data warehouse projects. Drs Andre Kraak and Andrew Paterson, HRD. August 2002. South African women: This far we have come. Ms Nomboniso Gasa, writer and poet. August 2002. From school to higher education? Factors affecting the choices of Grade 12 learners. Mr Michael Cosser and Mr Jacques du Toit, HRD. August 2002. Gender relations in a changing world: The UK experience. Dr Madeleine Arnot, University of Cambridge, England. July 2002. More, better, different? Understanding private higher education in South Africa. Dr Glenda Kruss, HRD. July 2002. Democratisation perspectives in Africa. Professor Roger Southall, D&G. June 2002. Utilisation-focused monitoring and evaluation: Report-back from a seminar with Dr Michael Patton. Mr Vinothan Naidoo, D&G. June 2002. The drugs-crime nexus: Issues and dilemmas in monitoring the relationship between drugs and crime in South Africa and elsewhere. Dr Tony Emmett, CYFD, and Ms Gina Weir-Smith, SAMM. May 2002. Education in France: Thirty indicators on education systems. Mr Paul Esquieu, Department for Programming on Development, French Ministry of Education. |
May 2002. Reference Manager software demonstration. Dr Lucia Lötter, CS. May 2002. African Renaissance: Towards the development of a spatial information system for socio-economic development in Africa. Mr Craig Schwabe, SAMM. April 2002. Understanding the structure of data when planning for analysis: Application of hierarchical linear models Dr Mbithi wa Kivilu, SAMM. April 2002. Technical workshop on analysing data from the October household survey. Professors Barbara Anderson and John Romani, research fellows at the HSRC from the University of Michigan, Professor Heston Phillips, University of Pretoria, and Mr Johan van Zyl, IRRD. April 2002. Labour markets, rural development and poverty in Mozambique. Drs John Sender and Chris Cramer, both of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London; and Mr Carlos Oya, Ministry of Planning and Finance, Department of Macroeconomic Planning, Maputo. April 2002. Creating and maintaining a master sample for longi-tudinal surveys: Some generic and HSRC-specific insights? Dr David Stoker, consultant, and Dr Udesh Pillay, SAMM. April 2002. Assessment? Why and how? Dr John James Barnard, Excel Psychological and Educational Consultancy (EPEC), Australia. |