Reports and client reports Adar, K., Daniel, J. & Southall, R. 2002. In the shadow of power: The role of ex-presidents in Africa. Report to the Nelson Mandela Foundation. 4 November. Akoojee, S. & McGrath, S. 2003. Globalisation and education and training in South Africa: On being GEAR (ed.) Paper prepared for the RUIG Research Programme Le Defi Social du Developpment/The social challenge of development. Pretoria: HSRC. February. Akoojee, S. 2002. Quality with access in South African higher education: The challenge for transformation. HERSDA Quality Conversations. Annual International HERSDA conference. Perth, Western Australia. 7-10 July. Aliber, M. & Adams, W. 2002. Links between poverty and technology A discussion note with selected bibliography. Discussion document for SATPOR task team. October. Aliber, M. & Modiselle, S. 2002. Pilot study on methods to monitor household-level food security. Study for the National Department of Agriculture. November. Aliber, M. 2002. An initial assessment of some natural resource-related issues: Draft report for the 10 year review. Being conducted by Policy Co-ordination and Advisory Services in the Presidency. November. Drafted sections 1, 2 and 4. Aliber, M. 2002. Consultants report: Mission to review the project implementation and donor support scheme for the land policy reform process Possible roles for the Delegation of the European Commission. 11-19 March. Aliber, M. 2002. Overview of the incidence of poverty in South Africa for the 10-year review. November. Paper commission by the Presidents Office. November. Aliber, M. 2002. Small-scale agriculture as revealed by the labour force survey, version 2. February. Think piece written for the National Employment & Unemployment Statistics Working Group (led by Miriam Altman). Aliber, M. 2002. The impact of HIV/AIDS on land issues in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa: Case studies from Muden, Dondotha, Kwadumisa and Kwanyuswa. June. Aliber, M. 2002. Working paper on land market issues. November. Contribution to the national land policy review of Botswana. Aliber, M. 2003. Small-scale agriculture as revealed by the Labour Force Survey, February. Think piece written for the National Employment & Unemployment Statistics Working Group. Anderson, B.A. & Van Zyl, J. 2002. The use of population projections to assess the impact and consequences of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Considerations and recommendations. Report prepared for SAHA, HSRC. Anderson, B.A. & Van Zyl, J.A. 2002. The use of population projections to assess the impact and consequences of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: Considerations and recommendations. Workshop hosted by the HSRC and the Department of Social Development. Atkinson, A. 2002. Municipal capacity-building: A framework. Submitted to European Union. (Programme on Local Government.) December. Atkinson, D. & Benseler, A. (in association with Paradigm Financial Consulting Services). 2002. Linking IDPs to municipal budgets. Local Government Support and Learning Network (LOGOSUL). Department of Local Government and Housing, Northern Cape. (This included studies of local economic development, environmental health, municipal land management, municipal service delivery in rural areas, municipal organisational restructuring, and municipal budgeting.) November. Atkinson, D. 2002. A passion to govern: Third-generation issues facing local government in South Africa. A think-piece in the interests of public debate on local government. Report for Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE). June. Atkinson, D. 2002. Institutional and stakeholder analysis: Local, provincial and national level. Report submitted to DFID (Consolidated Municipal Transformation Programme.) December. Atkinson, D., Abrahams, D., Buso, N., Goldman, I., Makgoba, S., Meyer, M., Mokgoro, J., Olivier, J., Pienaar, D., Reitzes, M., Roefs, M. & Wiechers, M. 2003. Review of Schedules 4 and 5 of the Constitution. Report for Department of Provincial and Local Government. March. Atkinson, D., Naidoo, V. & Reitzes, M. 2002. Review of DPLG donor co-ordination and management. (Report for Department of Provincial and Local Government.) October. Avril, J., James, W., Prosalendis, S., Premesh, L., Kromberg, S. & Stanley, H. 2002. Cultural diversity and developing countries - The challenges of globalisation. Commissioned by DACST for the International Network for Cultural Policy. Social Cohesion & Integration Research Programme, HSRC. October. Badroodien, A. 2002. Technical College Responsiveness Project. Local labour environments and further education and training (FET) colleges: Three case studies. Pretoria: HSRC. August. Badroodien, A., Gewer, A., Roberts, J. & Sedibe, K. 2002. A qualitative overview of the education, training and development practices sector. Synthesis report. Commissioned by ETDP SETA. Pretoria: HSRC and JET Education Services. May. Booth, V., Elliffe, S., Phillips, T. & Naidoo, V. 2003. Mid-term review report: Support to the Wild Coast Spatial Development Initiative. Pilot programme. March. (Confidential not available to public.) Chidester, D., Hadland, A. & Prosalendis, S. 2002. Policy and identity: Social diversity, national unity, and cultural legacies in South Africa. Research report, Office of the Presidency, Ten year review. November. Claassen, N., Makgamatha, M. & Kanjee, A. 2003. HSRC report. District Development Support Programme (DDSP). Report on DDSP Grade 3 Learner Assessment 2002. Pretoria: HSRC under contract from RTI International and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). (Note: separate reports for Cala District; Cofimvaba District; Herschel District; Lady Frere District; Queenstown East District; Queenstown West District; Nkandla District; Kimberley District; Vuwani District; Hlanganani District; Polokwane District; Apel District; Palala District; Mkhuhlu District.) Conradie, D.P., Struwig, J., Langa, Z. & Tlabela, K. 2002. Monitoring of the ICTs for rural development-technology research project in the Itsoseng and Vryburg communities (January 2002 to June 2002). Pretoria: CSIR. Conradie, D.P., Struwig, J., Langa, Z. & Tlabela, K. 2002. The third six months of the monitoring action of the ICTs for rural development-technology research project in the Tsilitwa community (January 2002 to June 2002). Pretoria: CSIR. Conradie, P., Ngobeni, E., Langa, Z., Struwig, J. & Tlabela, K. 2002. Monitoring of the ICTs for rural development technology research project in the Pomfret community (January 2002 to June 2002). Pretoria: CSIR. July. Daniel, J. 2002. Swaziland: A governance study. Report for Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom Government. February. Daniel, J., Rousseau, N. & Fullard, M. 2003. Submission to the Ministry of Intelligence Services Special Committee on the Classification and Declassification of Security Documentation. May. De Klerk, M. 2003. South African cotton industry strategy. Unpublished report prepared for the National Department of Agriculture, Directorate: Trade and Business Development and the Cotton Industry Strategy Working Group. Dorkenoo, E. 2002. Review of HIV/AIDS policy and the implementation of programmes in South Africa. Report of colloquium on rural communities and government in partnership to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Southern Africa, 25-27 November, Gaborone, Botswana. Drimie, S. 2003. Food security in Southern Africa: Causes and responses from across the region. Workshop report. Pretoria: HSRC. March. (Meeting hosted SARPN in collaboration with CARE International and the French Institute.) Emmett, T., Moloto, A., Kamman, E., Mabitsela, O. & Hlongwane, L. 2002. Overcoming constraints on the delivery of services to children and young people. Johannesburg: A research project for the Nelson Mandela Childrens Fund. Erasmus, J. & Masehela, C. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites. Greater Limpopo TFCA (Transfrontier Conservation Area). Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Erasmus, J. & Masehela, C. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites. Greater Limpopo TFCA (Transfrontier Conservation Area). Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Erasmus, J. & Masehela, C. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Waterberg Biosphere. Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Erasmus, J. & Qwesha, P. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Thunga-Thunga Tourism Route & Eastern Cape River Rangers. Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Erasmus, J. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Summative report. Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Erasmus, J. 2002. Sector profile: Education, training and development practices. Employment and Economic Policy Research Programme was contracted by the Education, Training and Development Practices (ETDP) Sectoral Education and Training Authority (SETA). May. Erasmus, J.C. & Cownie, P.J. 2002. Investigation into the development of small and medium sized bakeries in South Africa. A study commissioned by the Department of Trade and Industry. Conducted by the Employment and Economic Policy Research Unit: HSRC and the South African Chamber of Baking. June. Erasmus, J.C. & Masehela, C. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Madikwe Game Reserve. Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Erasmus, J.C. 2002. ETDP Sector Brief. Commissioned by Labour Market Skills Development Programme (LMSDP), Project 2: Information Systems for Strategic Planning Project. August. Erasmus, J.C. 2002. Movement between employee and self-employed status. Report for PPS. Gamble, J. 2002. A dual mandate for FET colleges in a future South Africa: A review of the literature on the new apprenticeships and training for self-employment in the college sector. Final draft report. Pretoria: HSRC and NTSIKA Enterprise Promotion Agency. June. |
Hagg, G. & Selepe, S. 2002. Towards optimally functioning community arts centres in South Africa. Report on a national audit of community arts centres. Report for the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology. Pretoria: HSRC. August. Hagg, G. 2002. The National Arts Council and the promotion of community arts centres in South Africa. NAC Board strategic planning workshop. 13 September. Hall, E., Du Toit, R. & Povey, J. 2002. A skills analysis of the jewellery manufacturing and gemstone processing sub-sector in South Africa. Final report commissioned by: Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) and German Technical Co-operation (GTZ). Research conducted by the HSRC. (Published by client.) Higson-Smith, C. & Richter, L. 2002. Care workers service programme. Phase 1 and Phase 2 Report. Johannesburg: Alexandra Renewal Programme. HSRC & CSIR. 2003. A study on the mobility of research and development workers. Final project report to the National Advisory Council on Innovation. February. (Confidential.) HSRC & CSIR. 2003. Utilisation of research findings: Case study report. Final project report to the National Advisory Council on Innovation. Client report. (Confidential.) HSRC with Blueprint Strategy & Policy. 2003. Promotion of secondary industrial development & clustering in Mpumalanga stainless steel & chemicals clusters. Research report prepared for the Department of Finance and Economic Affairs, Mpumalanga Province. March. (Employment and Economic Policy Research Programme.) HSRC. 2002. Assessment Resource Bank. Literacy. Grade R, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3. Published in Afrikaans, English, Sepedi, IsiZulu, South Sotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, Setswana. District Development Support Programme (DDSP). Pretoria: HSRC contracted by The Research Triangle Institute and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). HSRC. 2002. Assessment Resource Bank. Numeracy. Grade R, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3. Published in Afrikaans, English, Sepedi, IsiZulu, South Sotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, Setswana. District Development Support Programme (DDSP). Pretoria: HSRC contracted by The Research Triangle Institute and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). HSRC. 2002. KZN economic review: Final report. November. Report prepared for the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. (Employment and Economic Policy Research Programme.) HSRC. 2002. The impact of HIV/AIDS on land issues in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa: Case studies from Muden, Dondotha, Kwadumisa and Kwanyuswa. June. (Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme. Adams, W., Aliber, M., Cross, C., Modiselle, S., Randela, R., Tlabela, K. & Drimie, S. project co-ordinator.) HSRC/DST. 2002. Science councils survey sector report. South African national survey of research & development inputs, 2001/2002. Final sector report to the Department of Science and Technology. March. (Confidential.) James, W. & Hadland, A. 2002. Shared aspirations: The imperative of accountability in South Africas electoral system. Report for the Electoral Task Team of the Department of Home Affairs. September. Kanjee, A., Prinsloo, C., Khosa, G. & Reddy, V. 2003. Quality learning project: Mid-term review. Technical report. Pretoria: HSRC. Khosa, G., Kanjee, A. & Monyooe, L. 2002. Seychelles School Improvement Programme: The baseline evaluation. Ministry of Education and Youth, Seychelles and the HSRC. King, K. & McGrath, S. 2002. Knowledge sharing in development agencies: Lessons from four cases. Consultancy report for Operational Evaluations Department. Washington: World Bank. King, K. & McGrath, S. 2002. Sida, knowledge, learning and capacity. Working paper 13. Learning to make policy project. Centre of African Studies, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Kivilu, J.M., Langa, Z. & Struwig, J. 2002. Baseline survey of basic adult literacy in presidential nodal areas in South Africa. Report for the Department of Education. Kraak, A. 2002. Human resources development and the importance of cross-sectoral state planning in post-apartheid South Africa. In: Marks, S. (ed.) Siyafunda: Partners in learning: Education in South Africa 1994 and beyond. Canon Collins Trust. [Proceedings of a conference organised by the Canon Collins Trust.] Kruss, G. 2002. Employment and employability: Expectations of higher education responsiveness. Client report for Council on Higher Education. Letlape, L. & Erasmus, J. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Kgalagadi TFCA (Transfrontier Conservation Area). Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. November (Client report for THETA). Ndebele, N., Naidoo, V. & Seleoane, M. 2002. Ten-year review presidential project. Nation building and reconciliation. The public service commission, The public protector. Submitted to the Presidency (Policy Coordination and Advisory Services). Pretoria: HSRC. November. NORRAG Network for Policy Research Review and Advise on Education and Training. 2002. McGrath, S. Web editor: One world think tank on aid policy and management. Paterson, A., Badroodien, A. & Du Toit, J. 2003. HSRC visit to the Centre for Labour Market Studies University of Leicester. Skills development survey. Report on survey workshop with CLMS. 19 March. Rall, A. & Erasmus, J. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Blyderivierspoort Nature Reserve. Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Rall, A. & Erasmus, J. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: River Rangers (Free State). Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Rall, A. & Erasmus, J. 2002. A baseline study for the INTAC project covering ten identified pilot sites: Greater St Lucia Wetland Park. Consortium: HSRC in association with: Impact Plus Training Consulting; Simo Consulting Services; New Millennium Learning; Field Focus Research Company; Blueprint Strategy & Policy. December (Client report for THETA). Reddy, V. 2002. Face-to-face training in a conventional preservice programme: A case study at Edgewood College of Education in South Africa. MUSTER Discussion Paper No. 34. Falmer, Brighton: Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. Reddy, V. 2002. South African College for Open Learning: A model of an inservice distance education programme for initial teacher education. MUSTER Discussion Paper No. 35. Falmer, Brighton: Centre for International Education, University of Sussex. Richter, L. & Habib, A. 2002. Globalisation, regional integration, governance and household viability: Envisaging a research, policy and advocacy agenda. Johannesburg: Ford Foundation Southern Africa Office. Richter, L. & Higson-Smith, L. 2002. Report of the meeting on the sexual abuse of children younger than 12 years of age. Johannesburg: Ford Foundation Southern Africa Office. August. Richter, L. & Hunter, N. 2002. Motivation: Extension of the child support grant from 7 to 14 years of age. Pretoria: Department of Social Development. Richter, L. 2002. The importance of caregiver-child relationships for the survival and healthy development of young children. Geneva: Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, World Health Organization. Richter, L., Kvalsvig, J.D., Ngcoya, M., Qotyana, P., Memela, C., Dladla, M., Mbonambi, McLennan-Smith, G. & Dellis, A. 2002. Takalani Sesame AIDS baseline report. Report for the SABC. (Confidential.) November. Roodt, J. & Erasmus, J.C. 2002. Public Service bursary survey. Pretoria: HSRC. November. Roodt, J. 2003. Survey of industry standard courses in information and communication technology. Report produced by the Employment and Economic Policy Research Division, HSRC. March. Schwabe, C. (ed.) 2003. The South African census users handbook: Analysing data from the 1996 census. Commissioned by the Surveys, Analyses, Modelling and Mapping Research Programme, HSRC. Shisana, O. 2002. HIV/AIDS policy in six Southern African countries. For the Kellogg Foundation. SAHA and SAHARA project. Shisana, O., Hall, E., Maluleke, K.R., Stoker, D.J., Schwabe, C., Colvin, M., Chauveau, J., Gumede, T., Fomundam, H., Rehle, T. & Gisselquist, D. 2003. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the health sector: National survey of health personnel, ambulatory and hospitalised patients and health facilities 2002. Report prepared for the South African Department of Health. Funded by Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Embargoed.) Shisana, O., Hall, E., Maluleke, R.K. et al. 2002. Impact of HIV/AIDS on the South African health sector: National survey of health personnel, ambulatory and hospitalised patients, and health facilities. Department of Health. February. Sonko, R., Dorkenoo, E. & Ditlopo, P. 2002. Gender analysis of National Health Policy Documents. Report prepared for the Gender Unit within the National Department of Health. October. Southall, R. 2002. The African homelands of South Africa. Memorandum for the State Attorney acting on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry. Van Zyl, E. 2002. Analysis of workplace skills plans and training reports: Mining and minerals sector. Report for the Mining Qualifications Authority. Pretoria: HSRC. Van Zyl, E., Du Toit, R. & Fourie, K. 2002. Skills development in the financial and accounting services sector: Executive summary. FASSET. Van Zyl, E., Du Toit, R. & Fourie, K. 2002. Skills development in the financial and accounting services sector. FASSET. Van Zyl, J.A. & Wentzel, M.E. 2003. The views of selected government departments on the need and use of HIV/AIDS indicators and the potential impact of HIV/AIDS on their functions. Report prepared for the Department of Social Development. Van Zyl, J.A. 2003. Proposed indicators to monitor the social impact and other aspects of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Report prepared for the Department of Social Development. Varga, C. 2002. Social and community perspectives on PMTCT in Limpopo Province. Pretoria: UNICEF. Vass, J. 2002. The relationship between labour market dynamics and HIV/AIDS prevalence: A literature review. Pretoria: HSRC. This report is jointly sponsored by AusAID, United Kingdom (DFID), and USAID and administered by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Viljoen, J., Adams, W. & Tlabela, K. 2002. Exploring community participation in tourism. Pretoria: HSRC. Unpublished report. Voorbach, H. & Hadland, A. 2003. Report of the evaluation of the core courses of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ). Amsterdam/Cape Town. March. Weir-Smith, G. 2002. Pension pay points audit: Final report. Pretoria: HSRC GIS Centre. September. Weir-Smith, G. 2002. Socio-economic profile of two historically black universities: Fort Hare & University of the North/Venda. Pretoria: HSRC GIS Centre. September. |