Alexandra Renewal Programme KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development and Tourism
    Botswana Department of Lands   LoveLife  
    Carnegie Foundation   Medical Research Council  
    Commonwealth Secretariat   Mining Qualifications Authority  
    Danida   Molteno Project  
    Department for International Development (UK)   National Advisory Council on Innovation  
    Department of Agriculture   Nelson Mandela Childrens Fund  
    Department of Arts and Culture   Nelson Mandela Foundation  
    Department of Communications   Northern Cape Department of Housing and Local Government  
    Department of Education   Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency  
    Department of Health   Office of the President  
    Department of Labour   Research Triangle Institute  
    Department of Local and Provincial Government   Road Accident Fund  
    Department of Public Service and Administration   Royal Danish Embassy  
    Department of Science and Technology   Royal Netherlands Embassy  
    Department of Social Development   Services SETA  
    Department of Trade and Industry   South African Community Chest  
    Department of Water Affairs and Forestry   South African National Literacy Initiative  
    Development Bank of South Africa   Swiss Development Co-operation  
    ETDP SETA   Tourism, Hospitality and Sport SETA  
    eThekwini Unicity   UNESCO  
    EU Parliamentary Support Programme   UNICEF  
    FASSET   Umsobomvu Youth Fund  
    Ford Foundation   Universal Service Agency  
    FOSAD   USAID, via the Research Triangle Institute  
    Gauteng Department of Housing   US Center for AIDS Intervention Research  
    GTZ   US Centers for Disease Control  
    IICBA   US National Institute of Health  
    Independent Electoral Commission   US Nida  
    International Labour Organisation   W.K. Kellogg Foundation  
    Institute for the Advancement of Journalism   Wellcome Trust  
    JET Education Services   World AIDS Foundation  
    Johns Hopkins University   World Bank  
    Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies   World Health Organisation