Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in Southern Africa
An EEASA Monograph

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Written by environmental practitioners from across the region, the Monograph is a window onto environmental challenges in a diversity of African contexts. These contexts include Malawian officials and community leaders, new to multi-level governance, taking up the challenge of environmental management in villages and districts; Ugandan small-scale farmers in partnership with NGOs trying to produce sustainably for the household and the international market; and government-civil society partnerships in South Africa, where the political transformation of the education system introduced a focus on environment and human rights in the national school curriculum. Other contributions from South Africa, Angola, Lesotho, Zambia and Zimbabwe, open onto yet more contexts of environmental practice: industry reporting, environmental management, research, philosophy, the media, conservation, the seeking out of indigenous knowledge.
This collection of papers provides non-specialists and scholars alike with:
  1. Case studies and reviews of progress since the 1992 Earth Summit
  2. A window on the scope of responses to environmental issues in Africa
  3. Insight into contextual realities in Southern Africa and beyond (contributions from Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Uganda)
  4. Illumination of the complex challenges we face – practical, political, epistemological – as we attempt to engage one of the biggest social transformations of our time
  5. Application of social theory that reveals the need for re-thinking assumptions about the advancement and horizons of this change called, for the time being, “sustainable development”.

Table of contents:

Daniel Babikwa (Uganda) – Policy Playing Out in The Field: A Case Study of the Implementation of Sustainable Agriculture in Uganda

Johan Hattingh (South Africa) – On the Imperative of Sustainable Development: A Philosophical and Ethical Appraisal

Heila Lotz-Sisitka (South Africa) – Curriculum Patterning in Environmental Education: A Review of Developments in Formal Education in South Africa

Justin Lupele (Zambia) – Ambivalent Globalising Influences in Local Context: The Case of an Environmental Education Practitioner’s Experience in Zambia

Kevin Moore and Lynette Masuku van Damme (South Africa) – The Evolution of People-and-Parks Relationships in South Africa’s National Conservation Organisation

Martin Mkandawire (Malawi) – Decentralising Environmental Management in Malawi: The Challenge of Capacity-Building

Sara Freeman And Ndyebo Mgingqizana (South Africa) – Integrating Economic Development, Social Justice and Ecological Sustainability: A Case of Sustainable Development in the Waste Industry, Ethekwini Unicity, Durban.

Tsepo Mokuku (Lesotho) – Sustainable Development in a Post-Colonial Context: The Potential for Emancipatory Research.

Leigh Price (Zimbabwe) – Industry and Sustainability: A Review through Critical Discourse Analysis

Vladimir Russo (Angola) – Challenges for Environmental Journalism in Africa: A Case Story of NGO-Based Journalism in Ecological Youth of Angola

Mike Ward (South Africa) – Environmental Management: Expertise, Uncertainty, Responsibility

Rob O’Donoghue and Edgar Neluvhalani (South Africa) – Indigenous Knowledge and the School Curriculum: A Review of Developing Methods and Methodological Perspectives.

Environmental Education, Ethics & Action in Southern Africa forms part of a series of monographs produced by EEASA, the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Active since 1984, EEASA is a regional network of practitioners in diverse fields of environmental education, training and capacity-building, from conservation and development agencies, schools, teacher education institutions and universities, to government and NGOs. The Associations approximately 400 individual, group and corporate members are from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and beyond.