Student aspirations and higher education realities
Michael Cosser, with Jacques du Toit and Mariette Visser
210mm X 148mm
In print
New edition
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This study is the sequel to Phase 1 of the Student Choice Behaviour Project, From School to Higher Education - Factors Affecting the Choices of Grade 12 Learners, published in 2002. The main objective of Phase 1 was to examine learners' choices about entry into higher education institutions and field of study. Phase 2 traces those learners who actually entered higher and further education institutions, as well as those who repeated Grade 12, entered the labour market, or became economically inactive, and it investigates the factors that influenced them. The study also considers the achievability of two of the key objectives of the National Plan for Higher Education: to increase the participation rate in the system; and to shift the balance in enrolments away from the Humanities and towards the study of Business and Commerce, and Science, Engineering and Technology. Like the Phase 1 report, this monograph contains crucial information for those involved in higher education planning and policy-making, at national and institutional levels.

The Research Programme on Human Resources Development (HRD) at the HSRC provides state-of-the-art information on HRD. The Programme aims to inform the development of skills that will meet national social and economic needs. In addition to producing an HRD Review and an electronically accessible cross-sectoral data warehouse, the Research Programme undertakes user-driven research in education and training, focusing on further and higher education and science, technology and education, with a strong emphasis on learning pathways - especially the transition between different levels of education and training, and between education and work.

Table of contents:
List of Tables and figures



Executive summary

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Review of the literature

Section 3 The research problem

Section 4 The research design

Section 5 Learners’ destinations

Section 6 Students in higher education

Section 7 Students in Further Education and Training

Section 8 Learners still at school

Section 9 Respondents not studying

Section 10 Employment

Section 11 Experience of 2002

Section 12 Interpretation of key findings

Section 13 Conclusion

Appendix A The questionnaire
Appendix B Determination of enrolments in private HE institutions
