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Discussion documents

These include articles and seminar presentations by HSRC researchers recently presented to the HSRC's Internal Seminar series. Held fortnightly, they showcase work in progress while giving staff members an opportunity to comment. Feel free to comment and join the debate! More ...

HSRC's Emerging Publishing Strategy
John Daniel and Eve Gray

The Mbeki Presidency - Lusaka Wins
John Daniel

Reviewing the South African Development Community
Sanusha Naidoo and Maluta Vuhromu

Southern Africa - a review of the region
Sanusha Naidoo

Roving Stereotypes - punishment and institutionalisation in SA in the past
Punishment and institutionalisation in SA in the past
Dr. Azeem Badroodien

Structural Constraints, Managerial Ineptitude, and Stakeholder Complicity
A Study of the Institutional Crisis of the University of the Transkei
Adam Habib

When does Reconciliation turn into a Denial of Justice?
Mahmood Mamdani

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