Description This book looks at the relationship between curriculum reform theory, policy, and its implementation. It contributes to current policy reviews. It also analyses the many aspects of educational provision that are fundamentally not working and also remarkably resistant to reform.
It aims to present and extend the dialogue initiated between education policy makers and researchers at the HSRC-sponsored Round Table that took place in September 2000 to much debate and knowledge exchange! It collects revised versions of the key presentations, including two new papers. It also draws on the discussions and debate that took place in response to the papers.
About the authors Education in Retrospect is edited by Andre Kraak, Executive Director of the Human Resources Development Strategy research programme at the Human Sciences Research Council, and Michael Young, Professor of Education at the Institute of Education, University of London and a member of the Panel set up to review the National Qualifications Framework.
Contributors include:
Michael Cosser, Chief Research Specialist in the Human Resources Development component of the Human Sciences Research Council and previously Head of the Division of Standards Setting at the South African Qualifications Authority.
Anthony Gewer, Divisional Manager for Evaluation and Research at the Joint Education Trust, whose research work involves organisational transformation, FET policy implementation and curriculum design.
Jonathan D. Jansen, Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria, whose current research concerns the study of mergers in higher education, comparative studies of policy transitions in Southern African education (Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa) and policy implementation in South African schools.
Ian Macun, Director of the Skills Development Planning Unit in the Department of Labour.
Johan Muller, Professor of Education and Head of the Department of Education at the University of Cape Town.
Dr Ihron L. Rensburg, a key figure in the development and transformation of the South African education system, a cofounder and leader of the anti-apartheid National Education Crisis Committee (an arm of the United Democratic Front) and a senior manager in the Department of Education since 1995 where he has been instrumental in developing, implementing and evaluating critical post-apartheid education policies and programmes.
Contents Acknowledgements
Chapter 1
Michael Young and Andre Kraak
Chapter 2
Educational Reform in South Africa (1990-2000): An International Perspective
Michael Young
Chapter 3
Rethinking Education Policy Making in South Africa: Symbols of Change, Signals of Conflict
Jonathan D. Jansen
Chapter 4
Progressivism Redux: Ethos, Policy, Pathos
Johan Muller
Chapter 5
Human Resource Development Strategies: Some Conceptual Issues and their Implications
Michael Young
Chapter 6
Policy Ambiguity and Slippage: Higher Education under the New State, 1994-2001
Andre Kraak
Chapter 7
Reflections from the Inside: Key Policy Assumptions and How They have Shaped Policy Making and Implementation in South Africa, 1994-2000
Ihron Rensburg
Chapter 8
Macro-Strategies and Micro-Realities: Evolving Policy in Further Education and Training
Anthony Gewer
Chapter 9
The Implementation of the National Qualifications Framework and the Transformation of Education and Training in South Africa: A Critique
Michael Cosser
Chapter 10
Developing Skill and Employment in South Africa: Policy Formulation for Labour Market Adjustment
Ian Macun