July 2003
In this issue


Occasional papers


Events and exhibitions
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Post Apartheid Patterns of Internal Migration | SA Science Bibliography | Lexicons & Labyrinths | New Dictionary volume II
| A Walk in the Garden of Eden

   Occasional Papers

Fragments of Democracy | Whose Right is it Anyway? | Food Security and Sustainable Development | SA Information Society Policy | Universal Telecentres


International exhibition success

   Events and Exhibitions

Conferences and Seminars


Post Apartheid Patterns of Internal Migration

Popular belief has it that urbanisation has increased hugely in the new South Africa, when in fact patterns of internal migration have stayed the same since the late-70's.

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SA Science Bibliography

This first-ever and user-friendly indexed bibliography of South African science education research over the past 70 years is an indispensable tool. Its broad subject index of 450 keywords makes it a handy reference.

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Lexicons & Labyrinths

Seven Artists interpret the global internal human genome project map of the 30 000 genes contained within the human genome. Engage your brain's ability to turn sight into metaphor, concept and idea.

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New Dictionary volume II

A valuable and inspiring resource, this second companion to the successful five-volume series 'Dictionary of South African Biography' fills the gaps in our history, highlighting roles played by black leaders from all walks of life.

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A Walk in the Garden of Eden: Genetic Trails into our African Past

Director of the Human Genome Diversity and Disease Research Unit, Dr Himla Soodyall, explains the demographic and evolutionary processes responsible for genetic variation in sub-Saharan and Malagasy populations.

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   Occasional Papers

Fragments of Democracy

The concept of democracy is fragmentary, the third in this Democracy and Governance research series suggests. Partial and incomplete definitions derive their meaning from historical contexts.

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Whose Right is it Anyway? Equality, culture and conflicts of rights in South Africa

Dr Kristina Bentley explores the modern democracy's need to negotiate and legislate between group and individual rights, especially those of women and Children.

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Food Security and Sustainable Development

The root causes of food insecurity are internal or indirectly caused by relationships with other countries. Income diversification and income-generating capacity coupled with commitment to international trade reforms could alleviate food insecurity.

more at http://www.hsrcpublishers.ac.za back to menu

Towards an Integrated Information Society Policy in South Africa

South Africa's challenge in the information age is to produce content which reflects our diverse culture, while developing skills and access to knowledge and information. This paper analyses government policy through speeches, policy debate and policy documents.

more at http://www.hsrcpublishers.ac.za back to menu

The Universal Service Agency's Telecentre Programme: 1998-2000

Telecentres were established to fulfill the 1996 Telecommunications Act aim of supplying low-cost, local communication services to South Africa's townships and rural areas.

This paper looks at challenges facing these centres, such as an inappropriate and limiting, top-down implementation structure and a severe shortage of skills.

more at http://www.hsrcpublishers.ac.za back to menu


HSRC Publishers exhibition success

HSRC Publishers staged successful exhibitions at three recent conferences in Durban, including the International Political Science Association (IPSA) conference, attended by 800 delegates. HSRC Publishers also displayed titles of Zed Books, London.

"There was enthusiastic interest in our books, research monographs and occasional papers and sales were very pleasing," said Publishing Marketing Manager Karen Bruns.

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   Events and Exhibitions

Conferences and Seminars

22 July | 12h00-13h00

Strengthening human rights-related policy implementation in the public service. Presented by Vino Naidoo, senior researcher at the HSRC's Democracy and Governance Research Unit.

29 July | 12h00-13h00

Mexico's recent economic and social transition in the context of globalization. Presented by Mexican Ambassador Mauricio de Maria Campos.

Contact Marene Bronkhorst +27 21 362 1379

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