Description What does school integration mean? It must mean, among other things, that the divisions created by apartheid need to be addressed systematically and systemically. Integration is not merely about changing the racial demographics of learner and educator bodies. Integration means schools changing to meet the needs of all children, fostering meaningful interaction among learners in the classroom, on the playground and in extra-mural activities as well as instilling a human rights culture. It means constructing curricula, texts and pedagogies that are informed by a democratic ethos and it requires teachers, school managers and communities that are equipped to promote a democratic school environment. In short, it is about inclusivity and social cohesion. And the issue of integration is as pertinent internationally as it is in South Africa. The concepts of North and South, rich and poor, developed, underdeveloped and developing, shade into a patchwork of colour constructs. Questions of race, racism, citizenship and diversity are central to school systems throughout the world.
So is integration happening? This book contains the proceedings of a colloquium held in October 2003 and attended by leading South African and international researchers to review the latest local and international research and practice in the field of desegregation and integration of schools. The contributors take stock of the status quo in school integration and identify new directions research should be taking to support the process of change.
The colloquium brought together a broad range of participants - from local and international universities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), provincial and national government - all of whom contribute in this volume to identifying gaps and silences, issues currently neglected or in need of further investigation, in school integration research and practice. Edited by Mokubung Nkomo, Carolyn McKinney and Linda Chisholm, this volume includes contributions by Naledi Pandor, Crain Soudien, Nazir Carrim and Yusuf Sayed, Mohammad Sujee, Relebohile Moletsane, Crispin Hemson and Anabanithi Muthukrishna, Shameme Manjoo, Gary Orfield, Sarada Balagopalan, Elmene Bray, Thobeka Mda, Brigid Comrie, and Prudence Carter.
Contents Introduction
Through the eye of the school in pursuit of social integration
Mokubung Nkomo, Linda Chisholm and Carolyn McKinney
Keynote address
Integration within the South African landscape: are we making progress in our schools?
Naledi Pandor
Part 1 Overview, concepts, themes, patterns
Paper 1 School inclusion and exclusion in South Africa: some theoretical and methodological considerations
Crain Soudien, Nazir Carrim and Yusuf Sayed
Paper 2 Deracialisation of Gauteng schools a quantitative analysis
Mohammad Sujee
Paper 3 Educating South African teachers for the challenge of school integration: towards a teaching and research agenda
Relebohile Moletsane, Crispin Hemson and Anabanithi Muthukrishna
Paper 4 A review of national strategies and forums engaging with racism and human rights in education
Shameme Manjoo
Part 2 International perspectives
Paper 5 The American experience: desegregation, integration, resegregation
Gary Orfield
Paper 6 Understanding inclusion in Indian schools
Sarada Balagopalan
Part 3 Constitutional and language challenges
Paper 7 Constitutional perspectives on integration in South African schools
Elmene Bray
Paper 8 Education and multilingualism
Thobeka Mda
Paper 9 Inclusion versus integration: the tension between school integration and the language policy
Brigid Comrie
Part 4 Reflections
Reflections and closing commentary on the School Integration Colloquium
Prudence Carter
Appendix List of participants