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Towards An Integrated Information Society Policy In South Africa
An Overview of Political Rhetoric and Policy Initiatives 1994-2000
Leo van Audenhove
210 mm x 148 mm | 40pp. | ISBN 0-7969-2023-0 | R32.00 | 2003

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South Africa's challenge in the information age is to produce content reflecting the strength of our diverse culture while developing skills and access to access the invaluable resources: knowledge and information.

This paper analyses government policy regarding information technology through speeches, policy debate and policy documents in the absence formal policy processes.

About the Authors
Leo van Audenhove holds a Masters' Degree in Communication Science from the Free University, Brussels (VUB), as well as a PhD in the Social Sciences on Information Society Policy in South Africa in the 1990's. Guest professor of International Communications and Information Technology at VUB, he is interested in information communication technologies (ICTs) and development, the information society and ICTs in relation to transnational society.