Books, chapters in books and monographs Published by HSRC Publishers Chisholm, L. 2002. Religion, science and evolution in South Africa: The politics and construction of the revised national curriculum statement for schools (Grades R-9). In: James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds) The architect and the scaffold: Evolution and education in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers and New Africa Education. Cosser, M. & Du Toit, J. 2002. The Student Choice Behaviour Project, Phase 1. From school to higher education? Factors affecting the choices of Grade 12 learners. Research Monograph. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Daniel, J. & De Vos, C.M. 2002. Politics, governance and civic knowledge. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. De Vos, C.M. & Baim-Lance, A. 2002. Addressing HIV/AIDS. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Grossberg, A. 2002. Race relations. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Habib, A. & De Vos, C.M. 2002. Human rights. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Habib, A. 2002. Introduction: Public opinion and the prospects for democratic consolidation in South Africa 19992001. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Hadland, A. 2002. In terror and in silence: An investigation into safety levels and standards at petrol stations. Petrol Station 5 Safety Project, December. Research monograph. Report for the Nelson Mandela Foundation; Community Chest; Institute for Security Studies; and the HSRC. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Higson-Smith, C. 2002. Families and social networks. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Human Sciences Research Council. 2002. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds) 2002. Introduction. In: James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds) The architect and the scaffold: Evolution and education in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers and New Africa Education. James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds) 2002. The architect and the scaffold: Evolution and education in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers and New Africa Education. Kivilu, J.M. 2002. Civil society participation. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary South Africa: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Kivilu, J.M. 2002. National priorities. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary South Africa: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Langa, Z. 2002. Information and communications technologies. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary South Africa: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Langerman, F. & Wilson, L. 2003. Lexicons & labyrinths: Iconography of the genome. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Lever, J. 2002. Science, evolution and schooling in South Africa. (Africa Human Genome Initiative Series.) Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. McDonald, D.A. & Pape, J. 2002. Cost recovery and the crisis of service delivery in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers and London/New York: Zed Books. Rule, S. 2002. Political party preferences. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Rule, S.P. 2002. Spirituality in South Africa: Christian beliefs. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary South Africa: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Schwabe, C.A. 2002. Environmental concerns. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Schwabe, C.A., Zama, S., Sithole, T., Govender, S., Fenske, J., Varga, C., Pietersen, J. & Madvhuta, I. 2003. Ageing in South Africa: Report on the minimum data set on ageing, March 2002. Research monograph. Prepared for the National Department of Health. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Shisana, O. & Simbayi, L. 2002. Nelson Mandela/HSRC study of HIV/AIDS: South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media. Household survey 2002. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Shisana, O. & Simbayi, L. 2002. Nelson Mandela/HSRC study of HIV/AIDS: South African national HIV prevalence, behavioural risks and mass media. Household survey 2002. Executive summary. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Struwig, J. 2002. Perceptions about economic issues. In: Human Sciences Research Council. Public attitudes in contemporary SA: Insights from an HSRC survey. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Swartz, L., Gibson, K. & Gelman, T. (eds) 2002. Reflective practice: Psychodynamic ideas in the community. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Swartz, L., Gibson, K. & Gelman, T. 2002. Introduction. In: Swartz, L., Gibson, K. & Gelman, T. (eds) Reflective practice: Psychodynamic ideas in the community. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. Tomlinson, M. & Swartz, L. 2002. The good enough community: Power and knowledge in South African community psychology. In: Swartz, L., Gibson, K. & Gelman, T. (eds) Reflective practice: Psychodynamic ideas in the community. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers. In non-HSRC Publications Adar, K.G. & Ajulu, R. (eds) 2002. Globalization and emerging trends in African states foreign policy-making process: A comparative perspective of Southern Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate. Adar, K.G. & Ajulu, R. 2002. Southern African states foreign policy and foreign policy-making process: An introductory contextualisation. In: Adar, K.G. & Ajulu, R. (eds) Globalization and emerging trends in African states foreign policy-making process. A comparative perspective of Southern Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate. Adar, K.G. 2002. Zambian foreign policy-making process in the post-1991 multi-party dispensation: The Chiluba Presidency. In: Adar, K.G. & Ajulu, R. (eds) Globalization and emerging trends in African states foreign policy-making process. A comparative perspective of Southern Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate. Adar, K.G., Ajulu, R. & Onyango, M.O. 2002. Post-Cold War Zimbabwes foreign policy and foreign policy-making process. In: Adar, K.G. & Ajulu, R. (eds) Globalization and emerging trends in African states foreign policy and foreign policy-making process: A comparative perspective of Southern Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate. Afenyadu, D., King, K. & McGrath, S. 2002. 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Badroodien, A. 2002. Race, welfare, and correctional education: The experience of indigent coloured boys under apartheid. In: Kallaway, P. (ed.) The history of education under apartheid 19481994: The doors of learning and culture shall be opened. New York: Peter Lang. Barbier, J-C. & Van Zyl, E. (eds) 2002. Globalisation and the world of work. Paris: LHarmattan. Barbier, J-C. & Van Zyl, E. 2002. Introduction. Globalisation and the world of work, A FrenchSouth African cross perspective. In: Barbier, J-C. & Van Zyl, E. (eds) Globalisation and the world of work. Paris: LHarmattan. Cherry, J., Daniel, J. & Fullard, M. 2002. Researching the truth: A view from inside the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In: Posel, D. & Simpson, G. (eds) Commissioning the past: Understanding South Africas Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. Chidester, D. 2002. Global citizenship, cultural citizenship and world religions in religion education. In: Jackson, R. (ed.) International perspectives on citizenship, education, and religious diversity. London: Routledge. Chidester, D. 2002. Religion education in South Africa: Teaching and learning about religion, religions, and religious diversity. In: Larsen, L. & Plesner, I.T. (eds) Teaching for tolerance and freedom of belief. The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights. Chidester, D. 2002. Christianity and evolution. In: James, W. & Wilson, L. (eds) The architect and the scaffold: Evolution and education in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers and New Africa Education. Chidester, D. 2002. Religion education: Learning about religion, religions and religious diversity. In: Asmal, K. & James, W. (eds) Spirit of the nation: Reflections on South Africas educational ethos. Cape Town: New Africa Education, HSRC Publishers and the Department of Education. Chisholm, L. 2002. Continuity and change in education policy research and borrowing in South Africa. In: Kallaway, P. (ed.) The history of education under apartheid 19481994: The doors of learning and culture shall be opened. New York: Peter Lang. Claassen, N., Moloi, Q. & Vinjevold, P. 2003. Trends in Grade 3 learner performance: Results of numeracy and reading summative assessment in 2000 and 2001. In: DDSP. Improving the quality of primary education: Good practices and emerging models of district development. Pretoria: DoE, USAID and DDSP/RTI International. January. COWI. 2002. Danida. Evaluation of Danish assistance to vocational education and training. South Africa Country Report. Cross, C. 2002. Why the urban poor cannot secure tenure: South African tenure policy under pressure. In: Durand-Lasserve, A. & Royston, L. (eds) Holding their ground: Secure land tenure for the urban poor in developing countries. London: Earth-Scan. Desmond, C. & Quinlan, T. 2002. Costs of care and support. In: Kelly, K., Parker, W. & Gelb, W. (eds) HIV/AIDS, economic and governance in South Africa: Key issues in understanding response. Johannesburg: USAID. Desmond, C., Gow, J., Badcock-Walters, P., Booysen, F., Dorrington, R., Ewing D., Gises, S., Johnson, L., Mckerrow, N., Motala, S., Smarty, R. & Streak, J. 2002. The current and future impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on South African children. In: Cornis, A. (ed.) AIDS, public policy and child well-being. Florence: UNICEF-IRC. Friedman, M. & Higson-Smith, C. 2003. Building psychological resilience: Learning from the South African Police Service. In: Paton, D., Violanti, J. & Smith, L. (eds) Promoting capabilities to manage posttraumatic stress: Perspectives on resilience. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas. |
Gow, J. & Desmond, C. 2002. (eds) Impacts and interventions: The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the children of South Africa. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press and UNICEF. Gow, J. & Desmond, C. 2002. Households. In: Gow, J. & Desmond, C. (eds) Impacts and interventions: The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the children of South Africa. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press and UNICEF. Gow, J. & Desmond, C. 2002. Time for the next steps. In: Gow, J. & Desmond, C. (eds) Impacts and interventions: The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the children of South Africa. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press and UNICEF. Gow, J., Desmond, C. & Ewing, D. 2002. Children and HIV/AIDS. In: Gow, J. & Desmond, C. 2002. (eds) Impacts and interventions. The HIV/AIDS epidemic and the children of South Africa. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press and UNICEF. Habib, A. 2002. Editors introduction. In: Swilling, M. & Russell, B. (Habib, A. (ed.)) The size and scope of the non-profit sector in South Africa. Johannesburg: School of Public & Development Management (P&DM); Durban: Centre for Civil Society (CCS). April. Habib, A. 2002. The politics of decentralisation and donor funding in South Africas rural water sector. Research Report 2, Durban: Centre for Civil Society, University of Natal. Hemson, D. 2002. Breaking the impasse, beginning the change. Labour market, unions and social initiative in Durban. In: Freund, B. & Padayachee, V. (eds) (D)urban vortex: South African city in transition. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press, August. Hemson, D. 2002. Durbans waterfront: Regulating casual labour? In: Governance, urban dynamics and economic development: A comparative analysis of the metropolitan areas of Durban, Abidjan and Marseilles. Proceedings of the Three Cities Project, 2124 November 2000. Hemson, D. 2002. Top concord and casual labour Globalisation and livelihoods in the Durban docks. In: Széll, G., Chetty, D. & Chouraqui, A. (eds) Participation, globalisation & culture: International & South African perspectives. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Higson-Smith, C. 2002. A community psychology perspective on terrorism: Lessons from South Africa. In: Stout, C. (ed.) The psychology of terrorism Vol. 4 Part 1. Westport, CT: Greenwood. Kahn, M. 2002. Promoting co-operation in science and technology in the SADC region. In: Savage, M. & Naidoo, P. (eds) Popularisation of science and technology education: Some case studies from Africa. London: Commonwealth Secretariat and AFCLIST. Kahn, M.J. 2002. Tentative steps toward South-South S&T cooperation: The case of South Africa and SADC. In: Mouton, J., Waast, R. & Ritchie, F. (eds) Proceedings of the science in Africa symposium. Stellenbosch: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies. Kanjee, A. 2002. Norm reference testing. In: Ballesteros, R.F. et al. Encyclopaedia of psychological assessment. London: Sage. Kanjee, A. 2003. Using assessment resource banks to improve the learning and teaching process. In: DDSP. Improving the quality of primary education: Good practices and emerging models of district development. Pretoria: DoE, USAID and DDSP/RTI International. January. Khan, S. & Hemson, D. 2002. Youth participation in the labour force: Globalisation and some critical junctures for youth employment policies in the post-apartheid South Africa. In: Széll, G., Chetty, D. & Chouraqui, A. (eds) Participation, globalisation & culture: International and South African perspectives. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Khosa, G. 2002. Transformation of the South African schooling system: School finance. Braamfontein: The Centre for Education Policy Development, Evaluation and Management (CEPD). King, K. & McGrath, S. (eds) 2002. Learning-led competitiveness: Education, training & enterprise in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. Centre for African Studies, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University. Edinburgh University Occasional Papers No. 93. King, K. & McGrath, S. 2002. Globalisation, enterprise and knowledge: Education, training and development in Africa. [Monographs in International Education.] Oxford: Symposium Books. King, K. & McGrath, S. 2002. Knowledge-based aid: A four agency comparative study. Working paper 14. Learning to make policy project. Edinburgh: Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh. King, K. & McGrath, S. 2002. Who is in the driving seat? Development cooperation and democracy. In: Schweisfurth, M., Davies, L. & Harber, C. (eds) Learning democracy and citizenship: International experiences. Oxford: Symposium Books. King, K., McGrath, S. & Oketch, H. 2002. Learning to compete in Kenya: A challenge to education, training & enterprise. In: King, K. & McGrath, S. (eds) Learning-led competitiveness: Education, training & enterprise in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. Centre for African Studies, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University. Edinburgh University Occasional Papers No. 93. King, K., McGrath, S., Rogerson, C. & Visser, K. 2002. Learning enterprise and competitiveness: South African education, training and enterprise development. In: King, K. & McGrath, S. (eds) Learning-led competitiveness: Education, training & enterprise in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. Centre for African Studies, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University. Edinburgh University Occasional Papers No. 93. Kraak, A. 2002. Discursive shifts and structural continuities in South African vocational education and training: 19811999. In: Kallaway, P. (ed.) The history of education under apartheid 19481994: The doors of learning and culture shall be opened. New York: Peter Lang. Kraak, A. 2002. Human resources development and the importance of cross-sectoral state planning in post-apartheid South Africa. In: Marks, S. (ed.) Siyafunda: Partners in learning: Education in South Africa 1994 and beyond. London: Canon Collins Trust. 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