Occasional papers

Published by HSRC Publishers

Abrahams, R. 2003. Spinning around: The South African music industry in transition. Social Cohesion & Integration Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 3. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Adam, H. 2002. Peace-making in divided societies: The Israel-South Africa analogy. Social Cohesion & Integration Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 2. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Aliber, M. 2002. Poverty-eradication and sustainable development: Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 1. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Atkinson, D. 2002. Local government, local governance and sustainable development: Getting the parameters right. Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 4. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Chidester, D. 2002. Global citizenship, cultural citizenship and world religions in religion education. Social Cohesion & Integration Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 1. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Clark, A. & Drimie, S. 2002. Energy sustainability for South Africas poor: Weighing up the alternatives. Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 2. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.
Hemson, D. 2002. Women are weak when they are amongst men: The participation of women in rural water committees in South Africa. Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 3. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Romani, J. & Anderson, B. 2002. Development, health and the environment: Factors influencing infant and child survival in South Africa. Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 5. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Schwabe, C.A. 2002. Information: The foundation of sustainable development. Integrated Rural and Regional Development Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 7. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Soodyall, H. 2003. A walk in the Garden of Eden. Social Cohesion & Integration Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 2. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Southall, R. & Mattes, R. 2002. Popular attitudes towards the South African electoral system: Report to the Electoral Task Team. Democracy & Governance Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 1. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.

Southall, R. 2003. Democracy in Africa: Moving beyond a difficult legacy. Democracy & Governance Research Programme Occasional Paper No. 2. Cape Town: HSRC Publishers.