Dr Michael Aliber
PhD, University of Wisconsin

IRRD Public policy, micro-finance, land reform, poverty reduction and sustainable development, and small-scale farmer development
Dr Yaw A. Amoateng
PhD, Brigham Young University

CYFD Family sociology and demography
Mr Fabian Arends
BA Hons, University of South Africa

HRD Education management information systems; analysis and integration of quantitative and qualitative data, and education indicators
Dr Doreen Atkinson
PhD, University of Natal

D&G Local governance, integrated government relations, rural development, water sanitation, institutional studies and integrated development planning
Dr Azeem Badroodien
PhD, University of the Western Cape

HRD Further education and training, enterprise and technical training, and the history of education
Dr Kristina Bentley
PhD, University of Manchester

D&G Human rights, political thought, the rights of vulnerable persons and gender, and peacekeeping
Professor Arvin Bhana
PhD, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana

CYFD Adolescent development, risk-taking behaviour related to HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and other youth-related problem areas
Mr William Blankley
MSc, MBA, University of Cape Town

KM Science and technology (S&T) policy analysis, S&T indicators, R&D and innovation surveys, strategic planning, and public understanding of science
Dr Oumar Bouare
PhD, Pierre & Marie-Curie University
PhD, New School University

SAHA Economics of globalisation and HIV/AIDS
Dr Heather Brookes
PhD, Stanford University

CYFD Anthropological linguistics, youth development, gender violence, gesture and masculinity
Professor David Chidester
PhD, University of California

SCI Comparative religion, religion education, and religion, ethics and society
Professor Linda Chisholm
PhD, University of the Witwatersrand

EPR - Education policy development implementation, including research, analysis and evaluation of education policy development and implementation
Dr Nicolaas Claassen
DLit et Phil, Rand Afrikaans University

ATEE Development of psychological tests and educational assessment
Mr Michael Cosser
MA, University of the Witwatersrand

HRD Higher education, quality assurance, student tracer studies, SAQA and NQF
Ms Catherine Cross
MA, University of Michigan

IRRD Rural and urban development, household economy and rural finance
Professor John Daniel
PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo

D&G Political economy, human rights and transitional justice
Professor Andy Dawes
MSc, University of Cape Town

CYFD Intervention research, child abuse and violence against children
Mr Chris Desmond
MCom, University of Natal

CYFD Economics of child care and HIV/AIDS impacts on education systems
Mr Rubby Dhunpath
MEd, University of Durban-Westville

EPR Critical language literacies, organisational behaviour and identity, and life history research
Ms Efua Dorkenoo OBE
MSc, University of London

SAHA Women and community health, socio-cultural practices and health, violence against girls and women, gender and human rights, and HIV/AIDS