African Studies
Cultural Studies
Economics & Management
Environment & Development
Gender & Race Studies
Land and Agrarian Studies
Launch Specials
Politics & Governance
Psychology & Identity
Social Studies
Youth Month
Given the lack of conventional outlets for academic and research materials, effective marketing and distribution are important to ensure a demand for these publications. Oneworldbooks is a unique resource of academic and research publications in the field of the social sciences relating to the Southern African region. The website aims to become a one-stop shop for specialist information on Southern African research or academic topics.
To access a more comprehensive list of services offered download this PDF.
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Current participants
- Council for Higher Education Transformation (CHET)
- Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA)
- Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
- Institute for Democracy in Africa (Idasa)
- Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)
- Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD)
- Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
- Merlin Press
- Nordic Africa Institute
- Ohio University Press
- SiberInk
- South African College of Music (SA College of Music)
- South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)
- Volunteer and Service Enquiry Southern Africa (VOSESA)
- University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Education (UWC, Faculty of Education)
Enhanced marketing packages
In addition to the website, Oneworldbooks offers several direct marketing packages. These may be scaled depending upon budget available and expected returns on a publication. Some options - like targeted marketing e-mailers or subscription based publication updates - offer a low-cost yet effective method of raising awareness of the availability of publications. Other options include editorials in relevant industry or academic publications as well as representation at key events or strategic marketing calling on our unique knowledge of the Southern African market.
Oneworldbooks is a joint venture between comPress and Blue Weaver Marketing and Distribution.
comPress is a publications management company. The company offers outsourced publications management services to research councils, academic institutions, NGOs and private/commercial research institutions. Services include a full range of publishing services - both for print and digital products - with a strong focus on the management of the publishing process by outsourcing components in the publishing process to third-party suppliers. This allows comPress to position itself as a one-stop publishing solution to organisations that do not publish as their core function.
comPress is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the website and digital repository as well as managing the production of print-on-demand titles housed in the repository. comPress also assumes the leading role in the marketing and promotion of selected titles.
Blue Weaver Marketing and Distribution
Blue Weaver is a book distribution company. It is unique in that is the only independent publications distributor in Southern Africa providing it the unique capacity to focus on niche markets. Blue Weaver is responsible for the physical distribution component of the Oneworldbooks operation and is actively involved in the marketing of titles.