Knowledge, Identity and Curriculum Transformation in Africa

Knowledge, Identity and Curriculum Transformation in Africa
Author(s): Cloete N, Muller J, Makgoba MW, Ekong D
240mm x 169mm
ISBN: 0-636-03535-2
R 50.00
Publisher: CHET

Throughout the world higher education system are under pressure to be responsive to changes in society.  This is acutely so in South Africa, following its major political changes.  Recent government documents have recommended a framework for transformation, which will have major implications for the curricula for higher education institutions, but have not elaborated on what these should be.  The content and process of curriculum change has therefore still to be worked out, and this collection begins the task of generating the climate and ideas for transformation.

  Table of contents

Section 1: Introductory Issues

  • Donald Ekong & Nico Cloete: Curriculum Responses to a changing National and Global Environment in an African Context

Section 2: Global and Local

  • Peter Scott: Changes in Knowledge Production and Desseminationin the Context of Globalisation

  • Ahmed C Bawa: Knowledge Production and Curriculum Research Strategies in South Africa

  • Andre Kraak : Globalisation, Changes, in Knowledge
    Production, and the Transformation of Higher Education

Section 3: Plurality and Diversity

  • Kwane Anthony Appiah: Liberalism and the Pluralty of Identity

  • Carol Geary Schneider: From Diversity to Engaging Difference:
    A Framework for the Higher Education Curriculum

  • Kogila Moodley: On 'Diversity Education' for South Africa:
    Some Critical Reflections

  • Malegapuru W Makgoba: From Diversity to Engaging Difference:,
    A Novel aproach to Identity, Knowledge Production and Curricular Transformaion

Section 4: African Innovations

  • Mahmood Mamdani: African and African Studies

  • Daniel J Mkude: Reflections on Curriculum and Institutonal Reform at
    Dar es Salaam University
    A Framework for the Higher Education Curriculum

  • Erica Gillard: The Academic Planning Framework at the University
    of Cape Town

Section 5: Concluding Issues

  • Johan Muller: Citizenship and Curriculum