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Global Citizenship, Cultural Citizenship and World Religions in Religion Education
Peace-Making in Divided Societies: The Israel-South Africa Analogy
Spinning Around: The South African Music Industry in Transition
Poverty-Eradication and Sustainable Development
Energy Sustainability for South Africa's Poor: Weighing up the Alternatives
'Women are weak when they are amongst men': The Participation of Women in Rural Water Committees
Local Government, Local Governance and Sustainable Development: Getting the Parameters Right
Development, Health and the Environment: Factors Influencing Infant and Child Survival in South Africa
The Development Intervention and Evaluation of Interventions for the Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe
Food Security and Sustainable Development in Southern Africa
Information: The Foundation of Sustainable Development
Popular Attitudes towards the South African Electoral System
Democracy in Africa: Moving Beyond a Difficult Legacy
Fragments of Democracy
Whose Right it is Anyway?
Towards an Integrated Information Society Policy in South Africa
The Universal Service Agency's Telecentre Programme: 1998 - 2000