Mr Mahlubi Mabizela
MEd, University of the Western Cape

HRD Public and private higher education, comparative higher education, higher education policy and human resource development
Dr Hayley MacGregor
MBChB, University of Cape Town
PhD, Cambridge University

CYFD Medical anthropology: mental health, the anthropology of the body, disability studies and social security issues
Dr Monde Makiwane
DPhil, University of the Witwatersrand

CYFD Social science research, using quantitative and demographic techniques
Dr Kealeboga Maphunye
DPhil, University of Essex

D&G Bureaucratic reform, gender and human rights issues in public sector human resource management and African politics
Mr Kgabo Masehela
MSc, Rhodes University

ATEE Project management, evaluation research and assessment theory
Mr Xola Mati
MA, University of Stellenbosch

ATEE Language policy, planning and implementation strategies in education
Dr Simon McGrath
PhD, University of Edinburgh

HRD Education and training policy, vocational education and training, skills development in SMMEs, and aid policy and practice
Dr Caroline McKinney
PhD, University of London

EPR Language in education, race and gender in education, and identity
Professor Simphiwe Mini
PhD, University of Fort Hare

IRRD Land and agrarian reforms, poverty and food security issues, and environmental impact assessment
Mr Sagren Moodley
MPhil, University of Sussex

KM Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for development, electronic government, and ICTs and public policy
Dr Seán Morrow
DPhil, University of Sussex

EPR Education policy and SAs historical inheritance, especially education in the ex-homelands, HBUs and education in exile
Dr Thabang Mosala
PhD, University of Natal

SAHA Human parasites of medical importance, transmission patterns in slums and community epidemiology
Ms Sanusha Naidu
MA, Staffordshire University

IRRD Globalisation and democratisation research and the political economy of Africa
Dr Andrew Paterson
PhD, University of Cape Town

HRD ICT applications in education, higher education links to regional technology clusters, rural education and EMIS
Professor Karl Peltzer
PhD, University of Hanover
DrHabil, University of Klagenfurt

SAHA Social aspects of public health, health behaviour, behavioural health, psychology applied to health, culture and health
Mr Makola Phurutse
MEd, University of the Witwatersrand

ATEE School improvement
Mr Cas Prinsloo
MA, University of South Africa

ATEE Assessment theory, education evaluation, psychometrics and research methodology
Dr Moses Ralinala
DPhil, University of Cape Town

D&G Public policy and service delivery, liberation history and South Africas regional politics
Professor Jairam Reddy
DPhil, University of Cape Town

EPR Higher education
Dr Vijiyaluxmi Reddy
DEd, University of Durban-Westville

ATEE Science education policy and planning research, life history methodology and equity